Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Parents Effect On Teenagers Engaging In Premarital Sex

    Parents play a major role in whether or not a teenager will have premarital sex or not.  They cannot make the decision for the teen or be there with them every second to prevent it, but they can put the right ideas in their heads, raise them right, and maintain a good relationship with them.  Because parents are able to do these things and take a stand in their children's sex lives, they should.  Why would you even want there to be a possibility that your child is having premarital sex where they can get diseases and babies of their own?

     This yahoo source recommended some reasonable and good ways to enforce abstinence among young people that parents can do to make sure they play their part in this important decision for the teenagers.

     The source says that parents should make sure their children know the "biblical truth" if they are a Christian oriented family. They should make sure there children are engaged in extracurricular activities that are school related such as sports, academic challenge, etc.  It also says they should volunteer at a daycare or help out with Sunday school to get real life experience with how important and tiring it is to work with babies and children, so they will not try to get any of their own.

     These are definitely good suggestions to keep our kids away from the influence of peer pressure and sexual activity.  Being home alone while the parents are at work or hanging out after school with friends can lead to sexual activities, depending on the type of friends the teenager has.  It would be hard for parents to strictly enforce the types of friends their kids can have, so it would be better to take a stand by getting them involved. 

     This source may not be as credible as the others I have formally blogged about because it is coming from a random yahoo "Voice" contributor.  However, it is still credible.  The author establishes her ethos by first stating facts on why and how most teens get involved in premarital sex. According to the author it is because of feeling abandoned by their parents. The purpose of this article is to encourage parents to take a part in their kids' lives and encourage them to try to prevent premarital sex.  With this said the obvious intended audience is parents of teenagers or kids of adolescent ages.

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