Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Basic Facts on Premarital Sex

     Premarital Sex is also known as fornication, and it is when people engage in having sex before marriage. It is constantly rising and it's very controversial as to whether or not it is acceptable.  This should not be an argument and it should not be acceptable because having premarital sex has more disadvantages than benefits.  When you have premarital sex you get pleasure for a few moments, and then it is over. You now become connected to someone who is not your spouse and have the risk of there being STDs transmitted or a child getting conceived. 
     If one is going to engage in premarital sex they should at least use contraceptives.  With this said, along with the rise of premarital sex is the rising of the use of contraceptives.  The author of this source states that the majority of teens use contraceptives their first time, and teens who do not have a 90% higher chance of getting pregnant in a year. This shows that it is possible to accept premarital sex as being okay if teens use contraceptives, but because there is no way to guarantee that contraceptives will be used, I feel as though premarital sex is not okay. 

     Premarital Sex leads to unwanted sexually transmitted diseases,  pregnancy, and emotional feelings that most teenagers who are taking a part in this trend can not handle.  Why can't they handle it? They cannot handle it because they are physically and emotionally immature and undeveloped  for these types of actions that were created for the married couple. If teens and other young adults would be abstinent, studies show that their marriages would indeed be healthier also.  If it was up to me, all states would allow teens to obtain contraceptives without parental consent because they are going to have sex anyways, and most will not feel comfortable asking their parents about it.
    They should feel free to get them on their own because the rate of teens getting STIs  are steady rising.  Also according to Guttmacher Institute, 175,000 girls or women aged 15-19 get pregnant each year, and 10% of all U.S. births come from girls age 19 or younger. Although pregnancy rates are going down because of the increased use of contraceptives, the best thing to practice is abstinence!

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