Friday, March 16, 2012


      According to the bible premarital sex is against God's law in every way. Fornication is defined as the having of sex between a man and woman who are unmarried. This is a form of sexual sin, and the bible specifically speaks against fornication in many different verses and chapters within it such as in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 where it says, "Don't you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the kingdom of God? Don't fool yourselves.  Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or abusive, or cheat people- none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God." NLT. A few other verses where this is found is in 1 Corinthians 6:13 and 18, Ephesians, Galatians, Thessalonians, and Revelations.  
     Because of this fact, the fact that God said it is wrong, one should not behave in fornication, but I know that many will not agree because they do not believe in Christianity.
     This series of videos I have included at the bottom of this blog explain what the bible says about premarital sex, the benefits of waiting until marriage, and how God created sex for the married couple.  The titles of the videos are "The Bible: Sex, Intimacy, and Relationships, and Dating." In the videos Tom Nelson preaches from the book of "Songs of Solomon".  He explains the significance of intimacy between a man and a woman who are in love and the significance of waiting until the time is right AFTER marriage.  He speaks on how Solomon treated his wife so precious and tender and showed her everything she was worth.  
      These videos are very touching and convincing.  Virginity is a precious thing that should be given to the one you want to spend the remainder of your life with. I agree with the speaker who feels as though having sex should be intimate and between two married man and woman who are very physically, emotionally, and sexually attracted to each other.  It is not to be played around with because it is a part of marriage, and it was created for marriage as a type of bonus. 
      The speaker in these videos establishes his ethos by appealing to the younger people who are confused as to whether or not it is okay to take part in this trend.  He is credible because he speaks directly from the bible which is of high credibility and he refers to different verses to explain and endorse his points.These videos may be biased towards the bible, but isn't the bible what we are all supposed to live by anyways?  Watch these videos to be enlightened on what the bible has to say about sex, and then decide what you think is right. 

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:

1 comment:

  1. reply

    Sex before Marriage is NOT a sin from the Bible.

    Check out my web pages for more details.

    The corrupt Catholic Church long time ago created wrong definitions for all sex terms in the Bible so they say sex is a sin and get a lot more indulgence money.. We still have the wrong definition today. Remember the Catholic Church burn people at the stake for making Bible so the common person could read it for themselves. So if they read it for themselves they will discover the lies about sex being a sin. So what to do. Come up with wrong sex word definitions. We still have them today.

    They have the WRONG definition for the word “fornication”, They say it mean single sex or sex before marriage to a “one man, one women” marriage. This is clearly the WRONG definition.

    Man made dictionaries only reflex how people are using or misusing the word at that time. ST. Paul definition the word “fornication” in 1 Cor 10:8 and the definition is found in Number 25: 1-9. This is clearly the correction definition of the word “fornication” which is the misusing your sexual freedom that God gave all people at creation to have many sex partners over a life time, was misused by joining in the worship of a pagan fertility god, one of Baals many gods. Joining in the Worshiping a pagan fertility god is NOT equal to sex outside marriage. There is a major big different. This was a major problem in all the Bible days, both OT and NT.

    Godly men had lot of God given sexual freedom in all the Bible and now, but NOT to join in with the pagan fertility god worship which was a great temptation in all the Bible. Read 1 Cor 10:8, Nu 25:1-9, Nu 31

    On my web pages i go over 100% Bible verses that use the word "fornication" and show each time the context and meaning is the joining in the pagan worship of the fertility god. This is very clear.
